Appliances may be the last thing on your spring cleaning list, but it can be one of the most important. Just like the rest of your home, your appliances need to be cleaned and cared for on a regular basis. Spring is a great time to “tune up” your appliances and keep them in good working order. I’ve already written about cleaning your dryer, 6 Tips for Cleaning Your Dryer, and now, I want to cover cleaning your other appliances.
You already know to clean the shelves and drawers, but don’t forget the space behind the refrigerator. It’s dirty and the coils that show need to be vacuumed and cleaned a couple of times during the year. If you put items on top of your refrigerator, don’t be surprised if something has fallen behind it.
Step 1 – pull out the refrigerator. Clean behind it and vacuum everything. White vinegar and water will help you get the scum off of it.
Step 2 – Clean inside the refrigerator using the same vinegar and water solution.
Step 3 – Clean the edges (gaskets). Check to see if any are worn.
It’s an appliance that washes, so it doesn’t need to be cleaned, right? Sorry, even a dishwasher needs some upkeep to keep it running efficiently.
Step 1 – Take out the racks. Look and see if they have any buildup and scrub if necessary. Soap and water should do it.
Step 2 – Wipe the inside with the water/vinegar solution.
Step 3 – Clean out the filter. Check for any debris that has accumulated.
Step 4 – Run the dishwasher empty, except for a cup of white vinegar. This will help eliminate hard water deposits that happen.
While self-cleaning ovens are the norm in this day and age, you still need to do some spring cleaning.
Step 1 – Run the self-cleaning option on your oven.
Step 2 – Take the vinegar/water solution and wipe the inside of the oven after it is cool and before you use it again. This takes off the fine ash and residual grim that is left after using the self-clean function.
Step 3 – Wipe down the racks with the same water/vinegar solution.
Step 4 – Pull out the bottom drawer and vacuum underneath it. It is astounding what accumulates there.
Step 5 – Wash the top and front of your stove with soapy water.
Washing Machine
Your washing machine is simple to clean. Use a mixture of white vinegar and water (about a cup total) and run the cycle. Instead of this solution, you could purchase cleaning tablets such as Afresh to use instead. It is a good idea to clean your washer every few months to keep it fresh. Wipe down the outside and you are done.
Your appliances need spring cleaning just like your house. Follow these simple steps and you are extending the productivity and life of your machines. Happy cleaning!
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